Thursday, January 29, 2009

Duo exchange: A conversation with Tim and Eric

Tim and Eric has (have?) basically become a way of life for me and my friend group since Joe turned me onto it some months back. The day rapidly approaches when we will experience the Awesome Show Great Job! Tour '09 live, this coming Friday at Nokia Theater Times Square (site of the Stella triumph of December '08).

I was lucky enough to be able to interview the boys a few days after they hit the road. This was my first conference-call Q&A and after five minutes of embarrassing "Can you hear me now? How about now?" technical difficulties, I finally got the two dudes on the phone at once. I was really nervous to speak to them--I think with comedians, there's that fear that they're just going to be ripping on you the whole time--though in my humble estimate, a respectable amount of funny/insightful stuff ensued. The piece appears in this week's Time Out New York, but a super special extended version can be read here. Enjoy! (One tip: If you click the Dance Floor Dale link, *don't* ignore the "Not safe for work" warnings. You will not be able to talk your way out of that one if you're caught.)

For the uninitiated, here's a quick Tim and Eric primer, off the top of my head:

1) The Innernette
2) Spagett!
3) ATM
4) D'Ump
5) Petite Feet
6) "You guys want rides?"
7) B'Owl
8) Uke prank call

I strongly encourage you to explore the Adult Swim site and watch more T&E. Top-grade visionary obnoxiousness.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks - that's really fucking funny stuff. Love yer blog too....
