this won't be relevant to everyone reading, but i've got to get this message out somehow. i have a favor to ask: if you need to contact me about any journalism-related issue--i.e., you want to send me a CD or a listing for Time Out New York purposes--please, please, please do not contact me via any "personal" channels, i.e., my Gmail or Hotmail accounts or--worse still--my cell phone or the Myspace accounts for my bands. yes, my job entails listening to and writing about music, activities which overlap with my creative and recreational pursuits; but that's all the more reason to be vigilant about not having it take over these means of private, personal communication.
if you need to get in touch w/ me for anything related to writing, journalism, pitches, CD reviews, listings, etc., please contact me only at hshteamer@timeoutny.com. that includes in-person solicitation too (i.e., please don't do it). i'm happy to help whenever i can, but i'm far more sympathetic to those folks who show courtesy and contact me only where i work when they have a work-related question. again, hshteamer@timeoutny.com and nowhere else please, when it's a journalism-related matter.
my apologies to those readers who have no idea what i'm talking about. more actual content soon!
where do you like getting spam the most?
so can I still send extremely personal e-mails to your work address?
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