[Note: Visit Destination: OUT and/or Triple Point Records for an important late-breaking CT development.]
Happy 80th birthday, Cecil Taylor! (There is some dispute over his actual DOB, but I trust the authorities.)
The commemorative gig--seemingly billed as a poetry/piano set--occurs on Saturday. And I'm almost certain I heard on air that WKCR will play CT from noon to 9pm today.
I've got little to add right now other than to say that attending a wide array of CT shows has been one of the real highlights of my time in NYC over the last decade. I find his music inexhaustible and endlessly fascinating, something I can't say about very many artists in any medium. I've written about him extensively on this blog and elsewhere; here are a few of those pieces:
*Interview/profile in Time Out NY, along with some after-the-fact musings re: this somewhat trying encounter with one of my musical idols, August '08
*Review of Taylor at Village Vanguard with Tony Oxley, July '08 (Links to earlier CT coverage on DFSBP can also be found in this post.)
*An attempt to unpack CT's signature piano moves, including "The Lick," February '08
*A review of CT's most recent NYC solo concert, a show that may provide the blueprint for what goes down on Saturday, August '08

Also, Crack the Skye officially dropped yesterday. As predicted, my initial obsession with this one has dampened a little since I first heard it, but I'm still mightily impressed. Check out my Mastodon piece in last week's Time Out NY--in which bassist vocalist Troy Sanders unpacks the album's elaborate narrative underpinnings--as well as a separate mini-feature, where Sanders reveals (!) his five favorite concept albums of all time.
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